Hi! Most of these paintings are all part of an ongoing self portrait series. i started the series back in 2018 and it continues… the series has been a way for me to process emotions and heal all while dealing with mental illness and personal hurdles as someone who is queer & trans/non-binary. i started this series only painting on found wood, but have switched to canvas due to the need to paint and lack of finding discarded wood big enough for me. the paintings are created with no intention in mind other than to freely channel my subconscious. i don’t always know exactly what my painting is about until its finished. usually the title comes when its finished and i feel a sense of completion. Thanks for looking! I’ve began a new series this past year where I paint a lot of fruit in my own unique color palettes - I would love to do commissions of fruit!

if interested in buying any of these paintings please contact me at eujean.mean@icloud.com


